
We All Go The Same at KCFF

I’ve been completely focused on editing my thriller Kurayami no Wa for the past two weeks, but I wanted to give you some festival news!

After a year of being in the festival circuit, GIFTS has received four more festival acceptances since the beginning of the year! It warms me to see that GIFTS still lives out in the festival world. The only one I can publicly announce right now is the screening at the Providence Children’s Film Festival.

In addition, my music video, We All Go The Same,  has been accepted at the Kingston Canadian Film Festival (KCFF) and will be screening on Saturday February 28th! I am excited to be attending along with several members of the cast and their families.

A huge thank you to Lucia Alloggia who allowed me to have both of her daughters, Laura and Victoria, in We All Go the Same. Below is a still of Victoria alongside the matching portrait painted by Lucia. I will be updating the We All Go The Same page soon with more photos.

A still from We All Go the Same

A still from We All Go the Same

One thought on “We All Go The Same at KCFF”

  1. Congratulations Morgana! It’s great to see your dreams coming true and the involvement of so many of your friends. All the best, Pat