
USA Today: #MeeToo Anniversary

A few months ago, myself and 7 other women had the opportunity to share our thoughts/experiences with USA Today on sexual assault and harassment within the film industry.

I can’t speak for others. This is just my experience with sexual assault / harassment as a camera operator. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what the outcome of this will be, but I do hope for a few things:

  • I hope others affected by this can read/listen and understand that no, this is not okay. This should not be an aspect of your job.
  • I hope that in sharing my story, people will be a little less “surprised” that this probably affects your friends, family, and colleagues. You probably just didn’t know.
  • It can’t just be my problem, because frankly it’s not just “my problem”. For there to be any change, this needs to be a lot of people’s fucking problem.

Please read/listen to this. Please read/listen to the other stories. I can’t stress how important this is.

Thank you USA TODAY for inviting me to share.

You can read USA Today’s Article here, and listen to the full SoundCloud interviews here.



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